Week 12 Story: EmpoWord

Chapter 2: Telling a Story

I enjoyed reading this article about storytelling. I loved how it mentioned how narration and storytelling often goes unnoticed as a constant in everyone's daily lives. Whether we write or not for a living, our dialogue to others can ultimately serve as a source of inspiration for one's writing. From this, I learned to carefully internalize words when sharing, and perhaps journaling could be a good outlet to channel my narration. I thought the quote about condensing one's words when writing is insightful. It is more powerful to choose less and stronger words rather than oftentimes confusing and elaborative words in attempt to describe every detail. This is something I need to work on in my own writing and storytelling. One of the most powerful and impactful strategies in stories, especially in film writing, is the sequence and pacing of the story. The Freytag's Pyramid is a good visual reference to track where one is in the plot and to experiment where and when one wants to take the story. Regarding points of view when storytelling, most of my stories have been told from third person omniscient. For my final few stories, I want to use first person por third person limited point of view to challenge myself. Personally, I feel like the stream of consciousness point of view would be difficult to drive the plot forward. Perhaps this point of view should be used more in monologues or poetry, rather than mythology and folklore type of literature we read in this class. As far as character development, I think it is important to balance descriptive and thought words with the simple, big idea challenge in which I mentioned before regarding condensation of words. Dialogue is an excellent way to develop one's character while directly contributing and being purposeful in the larger scheme of the plot.

Telling a story, The Writing Cooperative
