The website, Advice to Writers, is a database full of wonderful advice collected by experienced and wise authors and bloggers. I found the website easy to navigate, and the layout was simple making it easy to find what I thought was worthwhile reading.
One piece of advice I loved, used a quote for the day earlier this week was, "Writer's block doesn't exist." I then explains that when authors talk about struggling with a writer's block, it doesn't mean that something is getting in the writer's brain preventing them to produce quality work. Instead, it means the writer is struggling to display his or her thoughts down in an eloquent way which makes one feel limited and discouraged from having the ability to finish a book, blog post, project, or whatever it may be. I thought this advice was very helpful. Sometimes when writing stories for these classes, I struggle to find the words to express my ideas and I get frustrated. But a barrier of not pushing through and challenging myself ultimately, blocks my potential and prevents me from maintaining a growth mindset-- a concept that this course embraces.
Also, on this website, I found a post explaining "Five Common Traits of Good Writers," and the first trait is "they have something to say." I think sometimes in this society, women, like myself, can feel like their opinion isn't valued and that people don't really care what you have to say. Also, sometimes individuals get scared to share him or herself actual thoughts because that puts them in a vulnerable position. Ultimately, I think it is necessary to develop into an intellectual to develop opinions about what you hear and what you read. Then, these opinions and how you formed them can, in turn, be sources of conflict in the plots you use to write your own stories.
Advice to Writers, website
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