Tech Tip: Following at Twitter

For my last tech tip blog, you can read about how my journey about making a twitter. Although having a lot of social media accounts can be overwhelming, I think twitter is very informative, yet it can also be a great source of entertainment. First, I logged into twitter. Then, I used the trending section on twitter to find people to follow. I found that a lot of popular twitter accounts, have detailed bios. This is a cool feature, and maybe I will eventually work to make my bio more informative and fun. 
First, like the instructions recommended, I first started to follow accounts related to OU. I think it is resourceful to not only follow celebrity accounts, but also local accounts that are relevant to my daily life. I followed the University of  Oklahoma account to view information on the most general basis. Also, due to the theme of OU-TX coming up, I figured it would be fun to follow Oklahoma Football to view information about my favorite football team's players and stats before the big, upcoming game. I also decided to follow TED Talks. I love watching these videos, and I am so glad this course and our instructor also values this company. For entertainment purposes, I followed Ellen DeGeneres. I love her and watching videos from her talk show. Finally, I followed Barack Obama. He is one of the most popular twitter users, and I think this is an informative account to follow especially in the heat of the Democratic party debates these past months. Plus, the man and his wife are inspirational!

Who I follow, Snipping Tool
