The Brave Hedgehog:
Aladdin's Adventures:
Real Housewives of Greek Mythology:
Well I am a sucker for cute and tiny animals, so
naturally, the title of this storybook immediately captured my attention. The
thematic music attached to each chapter of the storybook truly brought each
fable to life. I am passionate about music, and like the author mentioned, I
also believe art inspires art. The music connected the author's personal
inspiration to Aesop's Fables of which I was not extremely familiar with
before. The introduction demonstrated the similarities between familial
relationships in Greek mythology to animal instincts of hedgehogs. The design
of the storybook is simple, but I found its purpose to balance out the
sometimes chaotic musical pieces. Overall, I appreciated the layout of
pictures, and for my project I am considering laying the pictures vertical
along the text for my own storybook; this feature complemented the plot's flow
of words in the Old Lessons chapter.
Cute hedgehog, Max Pixel
Aladdin's Adventures:
Before diving more into this storybook, I grew up
knowing all about Aladdin as a little girl in love with anything and
everything, Disney. However, I didn't know the traditional Aladdin story from
the Arabian Knights. I loved the boldfaced names design style when the author
introduced the characters. The concept of the princess and Aladdin essentially
having reversed status' from the original story. I would've preferred a more
descriptive title, but I loved the given secondary title, A Whole New World. I would consider
using this same layout style with the color and graphic on top and the plain
text at the bottom.
I'll be honest, The Real Housewives of Beverly
Hills was once my guilty pleasure. And by "once," I mean this past
summer. I was very entertained reading this storybook. The introduction was
humorous acting as a parody of the real-life show when introducing the Greek
gods and goddesses as a cast and describing them with their dramatic tendencies. I am
fairly familiar with Greek mythology, and this introduction and title made me
want to learn even more. I found the chapter titles and the script-style font
creative details to the storybook. The author played with color contrast with
dark picture headings and lighter mediums holding the bulk of the chapters.
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